Your Financial Maven®

Ep37 Chatting with Financial Therapist Lindsey Konchar, MSW, CFSW

Samantha M. Besnoff, CPA Episode 37

Sometimes it's okay to ask for help, especially when it comes to dealing with our money. And I don’t just mean using a CPA or Financial Planner but maybe taking the time to talk with a Financial Therapist. In my last episode for 2024, I share with you a great chat with Financial Therapist Lindsey Konchar, MSW, CFSW. She is a licensed mental health professional and certified financial coach, focusing on shame-free living and helping you cope with money. She brings her unique experience, both personally and professionally, to understanding how to live a life full of health and wealth. Enjoy this episode and Wishing you All a Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! And look for more episodes of Your Financial Maven® coming in 2025! 


You can Find Lindsey Here: 

Financial Self Care Podcast 

And Published Author of I Got 99 Coping Skills and Being a B*tch Ain’t One 


YFM wants to hear from you! Feel free to leave any money insights, questions, tips, or stories you may have. I cannot wait to hear from you: ⁠⁠⁠YFM Wants to Hear from You!⁠⁠⁠  



Your Financial Maven® Podcast is Hosted by Samantha M. Besnoff, CPA  

Production: Your Financial Maven® LLC and Samantha M. Besnoff, CPA  

Editing: Kris Zarnoch of ⁠⁠⁠KMZen Creative ⁠⁠⁠ 

Music: Written, Composed and Performed by Daniel Shore 

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